Sincerely, Anonymous 9/23/21
Welcome to Sincerely, Anonymous! I'm glad that you chose to take a few moments out of your day to join me in reading some of the amazing pieces that were submitted to me this week.
Sincerely, Anonymous is an anonymous, submission-based publication promoting the ability to heal through self-expression. By removing names, a pressure and judgement free environment is created for anyone who wishes to express their emotions in a creative and safe manner. To contribute to this publication, visit
remarkable mistake
trying to stay awake,
don't know how much more i can take.
always up too late
dwelling on self hate.
constantly the troubled bait
on the edge of the interstate.
demanded to stay straight
my mother’s remarkable mistake.
- sincerely, anonymous
call me
please call me
when you make new memories
please keep me close
don’t leave me alone
i know you’ll be fine
while i drown inside
but you’re happy, right?
i guess im alright
you’re leaving today
but i’m sure i’m okay
just be happy for me,
knowing i’ll never be.
just call me, please.
- sincerely, anonymous
“We are a sad generation with happy pictures". I came across this sentence and it made me feel comfortable sitting in all of my emotions.
Those who became before us did not have to worry as much as we do here today. We often chant that everybody makes mistakes. Yet we are a mob of cancel-culture.
We have trouble letting go of the past because we can be reminded whenever we want more vividly than ever before. We, as humans, have a really hard time dealing with the concept that nothing lasts forever. No matter how hard we try to keep alive, our mental health suffers from the fact that nothing is eternal...
How easily I wish to be able to move on...
How sorry I feel for those who feel the same...
How angry I feel that the cycle doesn't stop...
How I wish to untie the noose from a loop into an uninterrupted line instead. Not only for myself but for those who sympathize with me... So, please... Understand that there IS such a thing as second chances. None of us have this life figured out quite right just yet.
Forgive your neighbor. Because someday, you will be THEIR neighbor that you'll be begging for forgiveness.
I hope every last one of you takes care of themselves this odd school year. take care of yourselves, and take care of each other.
- Sincerely, Anonymous
On and Off, On and Off.
when will it ever end.
this constant Cycle of grief and joy,
feels like there is no End.
- sincerely, anonymous
It Hurts Knowing
It hurts knowing that you aren’t my forever anymore and I’m going to miss out on all the things I wish we could’ve done. It feels like a divorce because of everything we had planned and how settled we had gotten. I’m losing my other half. We dreamed of graduating college and becoming accomplished individuals. We dreamed of having a lake house, a beach house, and a huge property where our families would live and we would raise an army of God-fearing kids. We promised to love one another for an eternity. We had a lot of dreams and we made a lot of promises. It was us against the world. I’m going to always wish that we had more time.
It hurts knowing that at one time I was a member of your family. Now I’m being ripped away from a group of people I had accepted into my heart and grew into. I’m going to miss going to church with your family and praying on vacations when we couldn’t find a church. I’m going to miss holding your goddaughter and joking about how she let me hold her faster than you. I’m going to miss dinner with your older sister and feeling her love that filled a void in my heart. I’m going to miss your two younger brothers who have the hands of warriors and the hearts of angels. I’m going to miss your mom who treated me like a second daughter. I’m going to miss your dad who has always made me feel loved.
It hurts knowing that while my relationship grew with God, yours faltered and failed. It makes me feel as though I failed as a girlfriend. In my eyes, our relationship was built upon God’s word and God’s love. Our first date was at your best friend’s wedding and my deep care for you grew in Frisco when I confided in you about my relationship with God. You brought me to Him. You prayed with me every night and went to church with me every Sunday, even 453 miles away. When we talked about our faith and said our prayers, I thought we were growing together and never had any idea that you were growing farther away. I’ve said this a million times before, but I wish that you had told me.
It hurts knowing that someday you’re going to look at someone else the way that you looked at me. We both might not see that day for a while; we’ve got our sights set on ourselves and personal growth for the next little while. It still keeps me up though. Your heart was an honor to hold and the next woman that does is as lucky as the man who escaped death seven times and then won the lottery. I know that one day I will learn to accept her and be excited for you both, but right now, it hurts knowing.
It hurts knowing.
- Sincerely, Anonymous
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