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Sincerely, Anonymous 10/26/21

Welcome to Sincerely, Anonymous! I'm glad that you chose to take a few moments out of your day to join me in reading some of the amazing pieces that were submitted to me this week.

Sincerely, Anonymous is an anonymous, submission-based publication promoting the ability to heal through self-expression. By removing names, a pressure and judgement free environment is created for anyone who wishes to express their emotions in a creative and safe manner. To contribute to this publication, visit



Moving on is hard.

Every morning I get up, I look in the mirror

I see a beautiful girl and she's hiding behind a fake smile

Fake smiles for you. I wish I could just be happy for you.

It's hard to let go of you. You have the audacity to leave

Then come back like nothing happened.

You have the audacity to smile at me, make references to our favorite things of the past.

You have the audacity to tell everyone how much you love me

All while you entertain the attention of another girl.

Back to square one again, I'm ignoring you and you have the audacity to show up to my house and throw rocks at my window.

It hurts so bad to see you treat another person the way I begged to be treated by you.

Our time is over, I've come to accept that- I just wish you would accept it too.

Maybe in another life I would have got to keep you as a lover and not just a friend. But I like to think you still see me as more than a friend too.

But remember-this is not a goodbye, it's just a see you later.

- Sincerely, Anonymous


it's always odd, reconnecting.

what once was everyday life

is now a conversation

seven years in the making.

so hi.

i remember the day we talked about

the boston marathon bombing

standing in the lunch line.

it was so strangely mature

for 3rd grade.

and now i get an email.

what a shame they misspelled his name.

i still have few details about the now

and fewer about the faded memories of the then.

so it seems strange to grieve a loss i hardly knew.

but i'm still here.

why is it only the tragedies

that cause us to look back,

to just say hi over a blog?

only weddings and funerals bring families together i suppose.

but anyway.

i wish i'd kept more friends

from back when.

there's one fewer now, But for the rest

it's not too late.

- sincerely, anonymous


I'm lucky to have known them - the beauty of their fleeting presence in my life. However, I better not linger on the past...for I'll get stuck there forever. Daydreaming until I can no longer differentiate the dreams from reality. Until the crescent-shaped indentions in my palms run too deep, until tears erode paths into my cheeks, until sadness engulfs my soul. Until there is nothing left for me to write, the inkwell of my pen running dry.

Oh, how I hope to stop letting other's lack of maturity hurt me forever. Oh, how I wish to let go of the painful thoughts and memories. How I fish to feel the sunlight on my now pale skin.

- Sincerely, Anonymous


Unable to feel.





I’m enveloped in agony.

I’m numb,

Missing all feeling in my body,

All but one:


- Sincerely, Anonymous


Your touch once meant so much to me.

Your hands took mine as we danced the night away.

You held me close as we watched the ocean waves.

Your hand grazed my cheek as we caught each other’s gaze.

The same touch,

Once beautiful,

Is what broke me.

Once wanted,

Now dreaded.

Once beautiful,

Now painful.

- Sincerely, Anonymous


If you are interested in submitting a piece to Sincerely, Anonymous, feel free to visit the link below for more information.


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