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Sincerely, Anonymous 1/28/21

Sincerely, Anonymous is an anonymous, submission-based publication promoting the ability to heal through unnamed works of literature. By removing names, a pressure and judgement free environment is created for anyone who wishes to express their emotions in a creative and safe manner. To contribute to this publication, visit


We’re all alright.

Who’s to say we’re not so different.

Who’s to say we’re not the same.

If this world has taught me just one thing

It’s that we’ll all be okay.

So don’t sit around to watch it grow.

Love the now and live to know.

Cause the arrow of time never stops or rewinds.

So pick your head up and try.

Who’s to say you’re not to blame.

Well maybe you are but it’s okay.

Don’t stress a dime to search for a resolve.

As the cliche goes, you’ll find it all.

You’ll find it all.

Happy or down take a good look around.

The sky will change as you once knew it would.

Swans will gather and birds they will fly.

With time we’re all alright.

We’re all alright.

- Sincerely, Anonymous


the impact of you

i knew it was getting bad again. it’s not like i wasn’t healing. i was, just not in the way most people wanted. i kept myself busy, pushing out all other thoughts that normally drowned my head and left me sinking into the collapsing walls around me late at night. i had friends, i had things to do, all i had to do was keep busy. and that’s what i did. for months on end i pushed the idea of what we had out of my mind. i pushed away the memories, the arguments, the feelings, and the words we shared. i pushed you away. i pushed you away until i realized i couldn’t get you back. you had left. and you left me to pick up what had just shattered. it’s not that i wanted you to leave. it’s that no matter how hard i tried, none of it was the same. there was no energy anymore. it was clear you stopped caring. the kind words had vanished, the smile across your face has faded, and the joy in your eyes as you talked about her was so clear. you were gone. in your eyes, i was just a brick wall. but she was your world. she was the new me. you made me believe in us. believe in what we had. believe in what we could be. how does that all change in the matter of a few days? how did you manage to find someone new. it will never make sense to me, but all i know is the day you walked out is the day i walked back into the depths of the ocean, the ocean i was trying so hard to stay afloat in. but then again as i sit here in the darkness of my own thoughts, how can one stay afloat when the lifeboat you were on was already out of reach, or maybe, not even there at all?

- sincerely, anonymous


The Pretender

I never should have trusted you

When we first met I knew

That one day you would hurt me

I didn’t want it to be true

Through life you helped me navigate

With you I could communicate

Little did I know

It was all just a marinate

When my life was in the dark

You made it shine bright

When we were together

It all felt so right

During all these times

I ignored the red signs

“X” saw you sneaking on cams

You said it was a sham

When my friends called up a meeting

They said you were suspicious

They said I should be fleeing

I never thought you were malicious

When you finally stabbed me in the back

I knew my heart was forever cracked

You really took me for a bender

I guess that’s why they call you the pretender

- Sincerely, Anonymous



the beginning was beautiful

like we were sitting on a pedestal

but something changed

and it will never be the same

you broke my heart

and tore it apart

just to save yourself

save yourself like everyone else

as i lay scattered on the floor

i wonder how you were so pure

but now you've run away

and i stay here wide awake

you're a liar who never loved me

at least i'm now convinced and disagree

disagree with your solemn motivations

and now you've left me with all these questions


If you are interested in submitting a piece to Sincerely, Anonymous, feel free to visit the link below for more information. This week’s optional prompt: childhood. Make sure to include a title!


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