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Moving Forward

I prefer the term “moving forward” to “moving on”. I feel as if there is no truly moving on from loss, as the scars on your heart will always remain – even after healing has occurred. Healing is a process, a journey with several ups and downs.

With your help, I have curated a list of some important things to keep in mind. This is a list of reminders for both you and me, we are in this together.

Coping -

Learning which healthy coping skills work best for you is so important. In this life, we cannot control what happens to us - only how we react. It’s imperative to take healthy time to process your feelings in order to take the necessary steps to become the best version of yourself.

  • Engage yourself with new hobbies:

Find activities that you enjoy, and that make you happy. Now is the perfect time to explore the term “new” – whether that be a new sport, skill, or craft.

  • Surround yourself with family and friends:

Having a strong support group during this time is important while trying to heal and recover. A loving group of family and/or friends can help to create a safe, comforting environment for healing.

  • Cultivate a creative outlet:

Self-expression is a great outlet to get out or understand your emotions. There are several art forms that you could consider: painting, music, and writing are great ways to express yourself and your feelings during this time.

  • Better/challenge yourself, both physically and mentally:

One of the best ways to overcome any obstacle is to push yourself to be the very best version of you possible. Whether this be mentally, physically, spiritually, or all three – you will be accomplishing a task for you.


Advice -

It is important to process your emotions when you feel ready to do so. Here are some pieces of advice that were sent in from you:

  • Allow for time:

While this may not be something you want to hear, time truly does heal all wounds.

  • Do not do anything impulsive:

Your heart may be pulled in all different directions, and you may have mixed emotions…but remember, your judgment may be cloudy right now. Try not to make any rash decisions, and think through your actions so that way you do not unintentionally hurt yourself or others.

  • Take it day by day:

This concept goes hand-in-hand with allowing for time. Each day of your journey will be different – there will be several ups and downs. There will be days where you feel great, and others where you are completely drained. Know that this is normal, and be kind and gentle to yourself during this time.

  • Take this time to find yourself:

Take this time alone to grow your confidence and self-love. This is also a great opportunity to learn more about yourself, boundaries, and interests. Journaling your thoughts and feelings can be beneficial for recording patterns, and can be used to better yourself in the future.

  • Do not apologize for your feelings:

Your feelings are valid. Always. There is never a need to apologize for how you feel.

  • Do not be afraid to open your heart again:

People come and go from our lives. Whether it be a loved one, friend, or partner – loss is unfortunately a common part of life. While it may hurt right now, you will heal. Don’t fear the future or live in the past, focus on the now – focus on you.


Before you go...remember -

  • It’s okay to have bad days and setbacks, that’s normal.

  • Loving yourself is so important: you cannot rely on others for validation.

  • Sometimes you’ll have to let go without receiving closure, you may have to create your own closure.

  • The way people treat you is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves, not you

  • You will find your peace. It may take some time, but you will.

  • Time is the most valuable gift in life.

  • You are not alone, and you never will be.

You are loved, strong, and capable of getting through this. If you ever need anything, feel free to reach out to me. Remember: we are in this together.


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